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Mainstream, VOL LVI No 43 New Delhi October 13, 2018
India - Russia Joint Statement
India-Russia: an enduring partnership in a changing world
Monday 15 October 2018
The following is the Joint Statement issued after the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to India and the fruitful talks held by the Russian delegation headed by him and the Indian delegation led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on October 4-5, 2018.
Prime Minister of the Republic of India H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi and President of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Vladimir V. Putin met for the 19th edition of the Annual Bilateral Summit in New Delhi on October 4-5, 2018. India-Russia cooperation is based on the solid foundations of the 1971 Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic of India and the USSR, 1993 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic of India and the Russian Federation, 2000 Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of India and the Russian Federation and 2010 Joint Statement elevating the Partnership to a Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership. Cooperation between India and Russia spans across the whole gamut of sectors and rests on the fundamental pillars of political and strategic cooperation, military and security cooperation, cooperation in the spheres of economy, energy, industry, science and technology, and cultural and humanitarian cooperation.
2. India and Russia highly evaluated the contemporary relevance and significance of the informal summit in Sochi on May 21, 2018 which was a unique meeting in international diplomacy, reflecting the deep trust and confidence between Prime Minister Modi and President Putin, underlining the desire of both countries to maintain regular contacts and hold frequent consultations on issues of mutual interest, and further enhanced mutual coordination and convergence of views on all major issues. The Sochi Summit manifested the role of interaction and cooperation between India and Russia in building a multi-polar world order. The two Sides agreed to continue the practice of such informal meetings and to maintain strategic communication at all levels on a regular basis.
3. The sides reaffirmed their commitment to the Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership between India and Russia. They declared that this relationship is an important factor for global peace and stability and appreciated each other’s respective roles as major powers with common responsibilities for maintaining global peace and stability.
4. Both sides agreed that their relationship is mature and confident, covering all areas and is marked by deep trust, mutual respect and close understanding of each other’s position. They reaffirmed that being multicultural, multilingual and multireligious societies, India and Russia bring civilisational wisdom to address modern day challenges. Together, they contribute to creating a more interconnected and diverse world.
5. The sides called upon all states to work towards the lessening of global tensions and promoting the ideals of tolerance, cooperation, transparency and openness in inter-state relations. They stressed that the primary challenge in large parts of the world remains ensuring rapid and environmentally sustainable economic development, removal of poverty, reducing inequality among and within states, and providing basic health care. India and Russia pledged to cooperate with each other to achieve these goals.
6. The sides noted with satisfaction the intensification of contacts between the two countries, in all spheres—more than 50 visits at ministerial level, which have injected new vigour into their relationship. Subsequent to the successful implementation of the Protocol on Foreign Office Consultations for the period 2017-18, the Sides agreed to extend the period of Consultations for five more years (2019-2023) and signed a Protocol to this effect. Russia welcomed the appointment of Honorary Consuls General of India in Ekaterinburg and Astrakhan, which would further facilitate closer interaction amongst people and regions of both sides.
7. The sides welcomed the agreements reached in November 2017 between their concerned authorities, for cooperation on internal security, drug trafficking and disaster management, including the Joint Action Plan between the Narcotics Control Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation for the period of 2018-2020. The Indian side acknowledged the Russian side’s technical expertise in the field of disaster management and agreed to explore cooperation, including through training of trainers and development of emergency response structures.
8. The sides noted that the successful conclusion of the 70th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Russia witnessed enthusiastic response among people of both countries and further consolidated people-to-people ties. The sides are satisfied with the implementation of the Cultural Exchange Programme for 2017-2019 signed in 2017. They welcomed annual Russian Festivals in India and Indian Festivals in Russia and highly appreciated the ongoing youth exchange programme, exchange of writers and reciprocal support of the National Film Festivals. The sides welcomed mutual growth in tourism flows in the last two years, and agreed to facilitate this positive trend. India complimented Russia for successful organisation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The sides recognised the immense contribution made by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to the promotion of India-Russia relations over several decades. Prime Minister Modi underlined that India would contribute to the success of the 200 year celebrations of the foundation of the Institute.
9. The sides welcomed the outcomes of the 23rd meeting, co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yuri I. Borisov and Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of India Sushma Swaraj, of the India-Russia Inter-governmental Commission on Trade, Economy, Science, Technology and Cultural Cooperation, held in Moscow on September 14, 2018.
10. The sides reviewed the progress on the achievement of the goal to increase two-way investment to US $ 30 billion by the year 2025 and noted with satisfaction that both countries were on the way to achieving this target. They noted that in 2017 bilateral trade increased by more than 20 per cent and agreed to work towards its further increase and diversification. The sides expressed their support to promoting bilateral trade in national currencies.
11. The sides noted that the first meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue between the NITI Aayog of India and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation would be held later in 2018 in Russia.
12. The sides welcomed the start of consultations on the Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and its member states, on one side, and the Republic of India on the other,and supported the idea to expedite the negotiation process.
13. The sides appreciated the Joint Study commissioned to work out a Joint Strategy of Action for the development of trade and economic relations and investment cooperation and noted that, to take this forward, the Sides have nominated, respectively, the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.
14. The sides appreciated the work done by “Invest India’’ to facilitate Russian investors in India and the planned launch of a “Single Window Service†by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for facilitating operation of Indian companies in Russia.
15. The sides welcomed the holding of the India-Russia Business Summit on the margins of the 19th Annual Summit on October 4-5, 2018 in New Delhi with the participation of large business delegations from both sides, repres-enting important areas of bilateral cooperation, sending a strong signal of the willingness and capacity of the business sectors of both countries to further strengthen economic, trade and investment partnerships.
16. The sides reviewed progress in the implementation of Priority Investment Projects in the spheres of mining, metallurgy, power, oil and gas, railways, pharmaceuticals, Information Technology, chemicals, infrastructure, auto-mobile, aviation, space, shipbuilding and manufacturing of different equipment. The Sides welcomed the establishment of a pharmaceutical plant by Advance Pharma Company in Russia. The Indian side conveyed its intention to increase import of fertilisers from Russia. The sides noted the importance of expansion of collaboration in aluminium sector.
17. They welcomed the signing of the MoU between National Small Industries Corporation of India and the Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation.
18. The sides emphasised that infrastructure development is an important national priority for both countries offering immense opportunities for cooperation. The Indian side invited Russian companies to participate in the development of industrial corridors in India, including in areas of road and rail infrastructure, smart cities, construction of wagons and creation of a joint transportation logistics company.
The Russian side offered its expertise in tax collection based on satellite navigation techno-logies for the realisation of joint projects in India including in the framework of above mentioned industrial corridors.
The Russian side expressed its interest in participating in the international competitive biddings as and when the Ministry of Railways of India decides to execute the railway speed raising projects.
The sides noted the importance of cooperation in the area of transport education, personnel training and scientific support in the implementation of international transport corridors. For these purposes the sides maintain cooperation between the National Rail and Transportation Institute (Vadodara) of the Republic of India and the Russian University of Transport (MIIT).
19. The sides underscored the vital importance of increasing connectivity between them. They called for the development of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) through intensified efforts by finalising pending issues related to Customs authorities, develop-ment of road and rail infrastructure and financial facilitation through bilateral discussions as well as discussions with other partner countries at the earliest. The sides welcomed the proposed trilateral meeting between the Republic of India, the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the sidelines of “Transport Week- 2018†in Moscow, on the issue of Indian goods transportation through the territory of Iran to Russia. The Indian side informed the Russian side of its accession to the Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets. The sides agreed to make efforts to convene the INSTC Ministerial and Coordi-nation meeting on priority.
20. In order to promote trade, the sides agreed to mutually share on best endeavour basis the mandatory inspections/regulations requirement to be fulfilled at the time of exporting/importing of any product so that any delay related to such inspection could be reduced.
21. The sides agreed to share the list of their trade exhibitions and fairs as well as of institutions/export promotion councils and other export related institutions from where one can get the details of exporters/importers from both sides to facilitate their interaction.
22. The sides supported the early launch of the Green Corridor project aimed at the simplification of customs operations in respect of goods being transported between India and Russia. They regarded this as an important step towards enhancing mutual trade. After the start of the project Customs administrations of both countries will be committed to its further expansion.
23. The sides appreciated the efforts to further cement and institutionalise cooperation between Indian States and Russian Regions. To carry forward the momentum of cooperation between the States and Union Territories of the Republic of India and Subjects of the Russian Federation, both sides directed further intensification of direct contacts between business, entrepreneurs and governmental bodies on both sides. The sides welcomed further efforts aimed at signing of agreements between Assam and Sakhalin, Haryana and Bashkortostan, Goa and Kalinin-grad, Odisha and Irkutsk, Visakhapatnam and Vladivostok. The sides agreed to encourage participation by regional delegations in major events like Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Eastern Economic Forum and Partnership/Investment Summits and also welcomed the intention to organise and hold the India-Russia interregional forum.
24. The sides agreed to work together to explore joint projects for productive, efficient and economic use of natural resources in each other’s country through application of appropriate technologies while ensuring affordable environment friendly utilisation of natural resources.
The sides acknowledged the agriculture sector as an important area for cooperation and committed themselves to eliminating trade barriers, greater production and trade in agricultural products.
25. The sides praised the level of cooperation achieved in diamond sector, including the signing of new long-term contracts for rough diamond supplies by PJSC ALROSA to Indian companies, opening of the ALROSA representative office in Mumbai and joint financing by the ALROSA and the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India of the International Diamonds Producers Association on the development of programmes of generic marketing of diamonds, including in the Indian market. Both sides noted recent investments by Indian companies in the diamond manufacturing in the Russian Far East.
The sides agreed to explore opportunities of joint collaboration in precious metals, minerals, natural resources and forest produce, including timber, through joint investments, production, processing and skilled labour.
26. The Russian side invited the Indian side to invest in the Russian Far East. The Indian side welcomed the decision to open an office of the Far East Agency in Mumbai. The Indian delegation, which was led by the Minister for Commerce and Industry, and Civil Aviation Suresh Prabhu, participated in the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok in September 2018. A high level Russian delegation would visit India to organise investment road-shows and promote greater Indian investments in the Far East.
27. The sides agreed to actively promote joint projects in third countries in sectors such as railways, energy and others where there is a complementarity between them in terms of technology and resources.
Science And Technology
28. The sides noted the necessity to further intensify cooperation in the Science and Technology sector and welcomed the successful conduct of the 10th Indian-Russian Working Group on Science and Technology, which is jointly supervised by the Department of Science and Technology of India and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, in February 2018.
29. The sides noted the successful collaboration between the Department of Science and Technology of India and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research which celebrated their 10th anniversary of joint research in the field of Basic and Applied Sciences in June 2017. The sides also recognised with satisfaction the collaboration between the Department of Science and Technology of India and the Russian Science Foundation. Both sides agreed to revive cooperation under the Integrated Long Term Programme for cooperation in the field of Science, Technology and Innovations between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Russian Federation by drawing up a roadmap for further cooperation between different Laboratories, Academia, Universities, Institutions and Organisations in scientific and technology areas of mutual priority.
30. The sides agreed to further enhance their cooperation in the field of Information and Communications Technology, particularly in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing, Software development, Supercomputing, E-Government, Public Services Delivery, Network Security, Security in the use of Information and Communication Technologies, Fin-tech, Internet of Things, standardisation, radio control and regulation of radio frequency spectrum. The sides resolved to continue mutual support and synergies at various platforms including BRICS and ITU.
31. The sides welcomed the signing of the Joint Declaration—“India-Russia Economic Coope-ration: The Way Forward†by Minister of Commerce and Industry of India Suresh Prabhu and Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin in March 2018 in New Delhi. They highly appreciated the decision to hold the first ever India-Russia Start-Up Summit in December 2018 by the Confederation of Indian Industries and Skolkovo Foundation. They welcomed the idea to launch an online portal that would enable startups, investors, incubators and aspiring entrepreneurs of both countries to interact and provide relevant resources to expand and enable globalization of start-ups.
32. The sides stressed the importance of the longstanding and mutually beneficial India-Russia cooperation in outer space and welcomed the activity on setting up measurement data collection ground stations of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System NavIC and the Russian Navigation Satellite System GLONASS in the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of India respectively. The sides agreed to further intensify cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, including human spaceflight programmes, scientific projects, as well as agreed to continue developing cooperation on BRICS remote sensing satellite constellation.
33. The sides expressed interest in the develop-ment of mutually beneficial cooperation in the Arctic, inter alia in the sphere of joint scientific research. The sides noted with satisfaction the longstanding cooperation of Indian and Russian scientists in the Antarctic.
34. The sides noted the expansion of linkages between higher education institutions of two countries that became possible thanks to the activities of the India-Russia Network of Universities, which has already met thrice since its establishment in 2015, and whose total membership has reached 42. The Sides noted the great interest in academic exchanges of teachers and students, as well as in working on joint scientific and educational projects.
35. The sides noted the importance of further widening of energy cooperation between India and Russia taking into account the Indian side’s interest in Russian energy assets, including natural gas, as well as in implementation of prospective joint projects in the field of renewable energy sources.
36. The sides acknowledged the potential for mutually beneficial cooperation in the energy sector, and encouraged their companies to consider a wide range of opportunities for cooperation, including long-term contracts, joint ventures and acquisitions of energy assets in both countries as well as possible cooperation in third countries.
37. The sides welcomed the ongoing cooperation between the Russian and Indian energy companies, including investments of Indian consortium in Vankorneft and Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha in Russia and the partici-pation of the PJSC Rosneft oil company in the Essar Oil capital. The sides noted with satis-faction the progress made by the companies in the development of comprehensive cooperation and expressed the hope for the completion of negotiations on the Vankor cluster at an early date.
38. The sides acknowledged the interest of Russian and Indian companies in cooperation in the field of LNG and welcomed the commence-ment of supply of LNG under the long-term contract between Gazrpom Group and GAIL India Ltd.
39. The sides expressed their support for continuing the expansion of the dialogue between PJSC NOVATEK and the energy companies of India and welcomed the joint intention to develop cooperation in the field of LNG.
40. The sides expressed their support to companies from both sides for development of cooperation and exploring opportunities for joint development of oil fields in the Russian territory, including in the Arctic shelf of Russia and joint development of projects on the shelf of the Pechora and Okhotsk Seas.
41. Welcoming the joint-study conducted in 2017 on the gas pipeline supply routes from Russia and other countries to India, both sides noted the ongoing consultations between the Indian and Russian ministries and companies to explore possibilities of constructing the gas pipeline to India and agreed to continue to consult each other on the possible conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two Ministries.
42. Civil nuclear cooperation between India and Russia is an important component of strategic partnership contributing to India’s energy-security and its commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The sides noted the progress achieved in the construction of the remainder of the six power units at Kudankulam NPP as well as the efforts being made in the components manufacturing for localization. The sides welcomed consultations on the new Russian designed NPP in India, as well as on the NPP equipment joint manufac-turing of nuclear equipment; cooperation in third countries.
The sides highlighted the progress achieved in fulfillment of the agreements envisaged in the Memorandum of Understanding on trilateral cooperation in implementation of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Project in Bangladesh.The sides expressed satisfaction over signing of the Action Plan for Prioritisation and Implementation of Cooperation Areas in the Nuclear Field Identified Jointly.
43. The sides also decided to further explore possibilities of closer cooperation on hydel and renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, including in order to reduce the negative effects of climate change.
Military-Technical Cooperation
44. The sides noted that Military and Military-Technical cooperation between the two countries is an important pillar of their strategic partnership. They welcomed the forthcoming meeting of the Indian-Russian Intergovern-mental Commission on Military-Technical cooperation to be held in December 2018. The Roadmap for Military Cooperation has paved way for greater interaction between the militaries of both countries, including in training, exchange of senior functionaries of the militaries, Staff talks and Exercises. The Russian side positively evaluated the Indian participation in the Army Games 2018, Army 2018 and Moscow Conference on International Security. Both sides commended the successful completion of the first ever Tri-Services Exercise INDRA 2017 and committed to continue their Joint Military Exercises—INDRA Navy, INDRA Army and Avia INDRA—in 2018.
45. The sides welcomed the conclusion of the contract for the supply of the S-400 Long Range Surface to Air Missile System to India.
The sides reaffirmed their commitment to enhance military technical cooperation between India and Russia, which has a long history of mutual trust and mutual benefit. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the significant progress made on the ongoing projects of military technical cooperation and recognised the positive shift towards joint research and joint production of military technical equipment between the two countries. They highly evaluated the Military Industrial Conference process as an important mechanism to promote the “Make in India†policy of the Government of India.
The sides positively evaluated the meeting of the High-Level Committee on Cooperation in High Technologies set up in November 2017 that identified concrete projects in areas of mutual interest for joint research and develop-ment.
International Issues
46. The sides affirmed “equality, mutual respect and non-interference as universally acknow-ledged norms of international law as reflected in the United Nations Charter and the 1970 Declaration on principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among states in accordance with the UN Charter†.
47. The sides, mentioning the results of the 10th anniversary BRICS Summit in South Africa in July 2018, acknowledged the intention of India and Russia to continue productive interaction in order to enhance strategic partnership within the association, defending priorities of building fair, just, and multipolar world order on the basis of strict observance of international law and the UN Charter.
48. The sides declared their support to the Afghan Government’s efforts towards the realisation of an Afghan-led, and Afghan-owned national peace reconciliation process. Concerned with the unabated violence and severely undermined security situation in Afghanistan and its adverse effect on the region, the sides resolved to work through the Moscow Format, SCO Contact Group on Afghanistan, and all other recognised formats for an early resolution to the long-term conflict in Afghanistan, end to terrorist violence, external safe havens and sanctuaries for terrorists and the worsening drug problem in the country. Both sides called upon the international community to join efforts to thwart any external interference in Afghanistan, to restore its economy, contribute to sustaining peace and security, economic and political development of a stable, secure, united, prosperous and independent Afghanistan. The two sides will direct their activity to launchjoint development and capacity building projects in Afghanistan.
49. The sides reaffirmed the commitment of India and Russia for a political resolution of the conflict in Syria, through an inclusive Syrian-led, Syrian-owned political process which safeguards the state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria in pursuance of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 (2015). They reiterated their support for the Geneva process and the mediation offered by the UN, as well as the Astana process, and stressed the complementarity between the two initiatives. Both Sides called upon all stake holders to actively engage in building a peaceful, stable and sovereign Syrian nation and support the intra-Syrian dialogue without preconditions or external interference. Both Sides called for enhancing efforts to provide necessary humanitarian assistance to bring the long drawn suffering of the Syrian people to an end soon, bearing in mind urgent reconstruction needs and return of refugees and internally displaced persons.
50. The sides underlined the importance of the full and effective implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear programme in order to support international peace and security, to strengthen non-proliferation regime and to develop normal economic cooperation with Iran. They called for all issues related to the Iranian nuclear programme to be resolved peacefully and through dialogue.
51. The sides welcomed the positive develop-ments in the Korean peninsula and conveyed their support for efforts to bring about lasting peace and stability in this sub-region through diplomacy and dialogue. Both sides agreed that while drawing up the mechanism to resolve the Korean Peninsula issues it is necessary to take into account and address concerns related to its proliferation linkages.
52. The sides expressed the serious concern about the possibility of an arms race in outer space and of outer space turning into an arena for military confrontation. They reaffirmed that the prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS), would avert a grave danger for international peace and security. The sides welcomed the deliberations of the first session of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on PAROS to discuss possible elements for a legally binding instrument on PAROS including, inter alia, on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space. They stressed that practical transparency and confidence building measures might also contribute to the objectives of PAROS.
53. The sides reaffirmed their determination to support efforts and initiatives aimed at preserving the role of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, and preventing the politicisation of the activities of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The Indian Side welcomed the Russian Federation’s early completion of destruction of its chemical weapons’ stockpiles, which represents a significant contribution to achieving the goal of creating a world free from chemical weapons.
54. The sides denounced terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and reiterated the need to combat international terrorism with decisive and collective response without any double standards. The sides agreed to converge their efforts to eradicate terrorist networks, their sources of financing, arms and fighters supply channels, to counter terrorist ideology, propaganda and recruitment. The sides condemned all kinds of state support to terrorists including cross border terrorism and providing safe havens to terrorists and their network. Recognising the importance of adopting the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, pending in the United Nations, to become part of the international law, both sides called upon the international community to make sincere efforts towards its early conclusion. To address the threats of chemical and biological terrorism, the sides supported and emphasized the need for launching multilateral negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament on an international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism.
55. The sides reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of international law and the centrality of the United Nations in international relations. Both sides share the view that implementation in good faith of generally recognised principles and rules of international law excludes the practice of double standards or imposition by some states of their will on other states, and consider that imposition of unilateral coercive measures not based on international law, is an example of such practice. Both sides would continue to work together to promote a democratic world order based on global and shared interests.
56. The sides reaffirmed the need to reform the UN Security Council to better reflect the current world order and make it more effective in dealing with emerging global challenges. Russia reiterated its unwavering support to India for Permanent Membership in an expanded UNSC. Both sides resolved to work closely to ensure peace, security and equitable development both regionally and globally and to coordinate their efforts to address challenges to the stability of the world order.
57. The sides reaffirmed their commitment to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Both sides will pursue equitable, open, all-round, innovation-driven and inclusive development, to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions—economic, social and environmental—in a balanced and integrated manner. They reiterate the important role of the United Nations, including the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Develop-ment, in coordinating and reviewing global implementation of the 2030 Agenda. They agree on the need to reform the UN Development System with a view to enhancing its capability in supporting Member States in implementing the 2030 Agenda. Both sides urged the developed countries to honor their Official Development Assistance commitments in time and in full and provide more development resources to developing countries.
58. The sides committed to further promote green development and low-carbon economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. They called upon all countries to fully implement the Paris Agreement adopted under the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change including the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and urged developed countries to provide financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing countries to enhance their capability in mitigation and adaptation.
59. The sides reiterated their commitment to further strengthen global non-proliferation. Russia expressed its support for India’s member-ship of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
60. The sides stated the necessity of early adoption of rules, norms and principles of responsible behaviour of states in the use of ICTs, as well as enhancement of international cooperation in the field of countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes by developing international legal instrument in this sphere. In this regard the sides underlined importance of adoption of relevant resolutions by the UN General Assembly during its 73rd session. The sides acknowledged the necessity to establish a framework of cooperation among BRICS states on ensuring security in the use of ICTs and confirmed intention to work towards elabo-ration of a BRICS intergovernmental agreement on cooperation on this matter.
61. The sides underlined common approaches to ensuring security in the use of ICTs and their willingness to strengthen bilateral interagency practical dialogue in furtherance of the inter-governmental Agreement on Cooperation in the field of Security in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies.
62. Both sides supported the idea of the establishment of Regional Security Architecture, that provides equal and indivisible security to all countries in Asia and in the regions of Pacific and Indian Oceans. The sides emphasised the importance of the continuation of the multilateral dialogue on this theme within the framework of the East Asia Summits and other regional fora. Both sides agreed that all new initiatives aimed at strengthening of the regional order are to be based on multilateralism, principles of transparency, inclusiveness, mutual respect and unity in the common pursuit of progress and prosperity and not directed against any country. In this regard, the sides welcomed the constructive consultations held at Moscow on August 24, 2018 between Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Morgulov and Foreign Secretary of the Republic of India Vijay Gokhale.
63. The sides confirmed their determination to enhance interaction and coordination of efforts in the regional multilateral fora such as BRICS, G-20, SCO, RIC and East Asia Summits. India expressed its aspiration to broaden cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union.
64. The sides noted that the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of India NarendraModi in the SCO Heads of State Council Meeting in Qingdao in June 2018 marked successful involvement of India in the work of the Organisation as a full-fledged member. The sides, confirming their commitment to the SCO Charter, norms and principles of international law, will continue coordinated efforts to further realise the potential of the Organisation in all directions of its activities.
Special attention will be paid to the issues of security and stability, including combating terrorism, illegal drug-trafficking and orga-nised crime, thereby increasing effectiveness of cooperation within the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.
Russia welcomed the participation of India in the counter-terror military exercise “Peace Mission-2018†. Both sides consider the goal of developing an economic component of the SCO as an important one, including realisation of transportation and infrastructure projects aimed at providing interconnection within the SCO Organisation and with observers, partner countries, as well as other interested states. They stood for increasing the role of the SCO in the international affairs and believe it necessary to expand contacts and cooperation of the SCO with the UN and its structures, other international and regional organisations. The Sides agreed to deepen cultural and humanitarian ties within the SCO.
65. The sides stand for strengthening of open, inclusive, transparent, non-discriminatory and rules-based multilateral trade system and prevention of fragmentation of international trade relations and trade protectionism in all forms.
66. India welcomed the initiative of Russia to create a Larger Eurasian Partnership that stipulates conjugation of national development strategies and multilateral integration projects in the interests of building effective platform of constructive cooperation based on strict observance of the international law, principles of equality, mutual respect and taking in account each other national perspectives.
67. The sides expressed their satisfaction on the progress in India-Russia relations, shared interests and similar positions on issues of bilateral and international importance and agreed to continue this trajectory of closer cooperation, coordination and consolidation of gains to surge ahead the Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership of India and Russia for the mutual prosperity of people of both countries.
68. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin thanked Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi for the hospitality extended and invited him to visit Russia for the 20th Annual Summit in 2019. Prime Minister Narendra Modi accepted the invitation with great pleasure.