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Mainstream, VOL 60 No 43 October 15, 2022

Move of the Election Commission to amend the Model Code of Conduct | Statement by CPI

Saturday 15 October 2022


Communist Party of India

October 5, 2022

Press Release

CPI Disapproves EC’s Interference into the Domain of Political Parties and Legislative Bodies

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India issued the following statement today (on October 5, 2022) disapproving the Election Commission’s interference into the domain of political parties and legislative bodies:

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India disapproves the latest move of the Election Commission to amend the Model Code of Conduct to disclose how the political parties are planning to fund the implementation of the election promises they make to the voters. It is an uncalled for and unwarranted move and will affect the independence of the political parties to decide on their political agenda.

The Election Commission is in fact mandated by the Constitution of India to hold free and free election. It has no authority to take steps to regulate the policies of the political parties. Hence such moves are violation of the mandate, disrespecting the Constitution and curbing the statutory rights of political parties.

The CPI rejects such moves and demands the Commission not to go ahead with the proposal.


Office Secretary

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